Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Different This Time

I don't really feel like writing anything but maybe I will try to keep track of this as it happens.

After weeks of testing that resulted in a diagnosis of lung cancer for my stepmother, and a clear bone scan a couple of days ago that filled them with optimism, she and my dad learned tonight that yesterday's scan revealed multiple spots on her brain.

They are completely devastated.

This lady has been incredibly kind to me and my family.  Shortly after she and my dad were married, we experienced a situation that nearly blew us apart, and she stepped right up to the plate and took over for me for weeks without a word. 

My dad lost my mother when he was 28, and my first stepmother ten years later - both to sudden accidents.  His third marriage was a long one, but ended in a bitter divorce. 

These two people have been so happy together for the last four or five years. 

Would another decade be so much to ask for?


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your bad news.  Sometimes it does seem senseless, doesn't it?  Hoping that your stepmother can enjoy as many good days as possible in the coming months.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

This is a rough situation.  We find meaning and solace where we can.  I hope you find it through writing about it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Robin (( hugs ))

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about this...and I know how hard it is.  I went through a similar situation with my father.  You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}


Anonymous said...

Life really isn't fair.  I'm so sorry for your dad and his wife, and for your family who will have to more than likely, slowly and painfully lose someone you love.  Pamela

Anonymous said...

What horrible news. I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm wishing you and your family the best.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.  How devastating.  Prayers to your family.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, I am so stunned to hear this for your Dad and your family.