Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Saturday Satire

Questions via Patrick's Place:  

1. You know company is coming:  do you panic and immediately begin cleaning house or do you sit back and relax because your place is already clean? 

I walk calmly to the kitchen and take out my best wine glasses and the wine that is already chilled, always ready for company.  Fresh flowers already adorn my living room; I cut them from my extensive garden every morning just in case someone drops by.  My windows sparkle and my floors shine.  There's neither a speck of dust nor a trace of errant paperwork to be seen, and you couldn't find the cat box if you were a bloodhound.  I consider it my highest calling in life to maintain my surroundings to the utmost in perfection.

2. Which was a bigger surprise for you:  
a) Robert Blake was acquitted
b) Martha Stewart did jail time
c) Scott Peterson was sentenced to death
d) The Michael Jackson trial began at all

That anyone knows or cares who any of these people are?

3. What was in the last package you received in the mail?

I'm sure it was that set of IPods that I purchased to match the decor in each room of my house. 

4. What commercial annoys you the most at the moment?

I can't even begin to fabricate an answer here.  I never watch commercials.

5. What charity was the last one to call you to solicit a donation?  Did you give them money?  Why or why not?

The college attended by one of my sons.  Of course I gave them money.  Why not?  They already have the furniture, the rugs, the vacations, the plumbing we can't afford to repair and the drive we can't afford to replace.  Why not a little extra cash, too?

6. What common household product do you hate to run out of the most?

Laundry detergent, the center of my existence. 

7.  My own question:  What would you most like to find?

My glasses.  They've been missing for two months and I can't see anything when I get up in the morning.  Now this one is for real.


Anonymous said...

I would like to find that can of pop I opened and drank half of (somewhere in my house!)  

Anonymous said...

LOL, I want your life! On second thought, it sounds just like my life, except the child's not in college yet...yeah, that's the ticket.

Anonymous said...

So funny!  You had me going with the chilled wine and glasses at first.  You know if you have that and hand a glass as people walk in the door, they'd never notice anything else.

Anonymous said...

Wow, but don't you have just the PERFECT life!!??  Eat your heart out, Martha!

I know how you feel about your glasses - I just lost mine and my life is over!  Maybe they ran away with yours and will be breeding a family of monocles and lorgnettes - and subsisting on Theresa's soda pop.


Anonymous said...

I read the first one and I said, "Oh, Robin, you are SOOO full of s**t."  Spoiled my whole feeling of power when I realized you were faking ALL the answers. (Guess I should have been clued in by the "Saturday Satire" title...)  :)

I've seen these questions answered in a half-dozen journals...  I don't usually do the Saturday Six, but I DO have a commercial that I absolutely LOATHE.  It's the one where the guy hollers "I love this woman" in a crowded square, and the wife shushes him, all embarrassed...  And then he lays a diamond ring on her and she gives him a big hug and swoons, "I love this man, I love him, I love him!"  Gag me with an elephant.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't we all wish that was the way #1 really was! hee hee!

Now as for commercials to hate, there are just too many. Lately I'm hating the AOL one where one guy is dumping food and jello and other crap that is supposed to symbolize spam and viruses and spyware all over another guy's tray and telling him that if he had AOL, that sort of thing wouldn't happen. I can't figure out why I find that commercial SO annoying other than that its basic premise is an outright lie!

Anonymous said...

You totally had me going with number one - until it said there was not a paper out of place, lol.  Regardless, your house is someplace I would love to visit!