Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A Political Interlude

So Tom DeLay was indicted.

I find that I just don't care. 

I'm not sure that I could name a prominent political figure affiliated with the Republican Party whom I consider to be comptetent, ethical, insightful, imaginative, or the slightest bit concerned with the issues that matter to me.

I am just waiting for this Administration to be over.  Three years and three months to go.


Anonymous said...

If you're able to overlook the Clarence Thomas fiasco, my former senator, John Danforth, is a moderate, sensible, highly ethical and insightful politician, who just so happens to be an ordained minister, a licensed attorney, and a Republican.  
I agree though about not really caring about DeLay being indicted.  There's no longer a shock factor when any politician gets into ethical or legal trouble.  And it started long before Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

I persobally think any Republican is going to go through the third degree if and when anything comes up that can be questionable! May God bless these people and help them to be free from all things that would hurt THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. If he's tell the world! If he is guilty, go tell the world. Right is right and wrong is wrong. It just seems to me that NO DEMOCRAT can be wrong....even caught in the act of wrong-doing God Bless America!

Anonymous said...

Ya, a party that would manage to paint a triple amuputee war hero as a coward like they did in Georgia a few years ago doesn't inspire any confidence with me. I'm just totally shocked that they found a grand jury to indict him.


Anonymous said...

Is it really so long?    

Anonymous said...

And it won't be soon enough.

Anonymous said...

     Hurry up and pass. It won't come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

I'm especially concerned about what kind of Supreme Court we will end up with.  While GWB will be gone in relatively short order, those Supreme Court Justices are there for life!  I'm also concerned with how long it may take to fix the damage done by the GWB administration.  Our next president will have his/her hands full cleaning up the deficit created by tax cuts combined with a costly war and made worse by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, will probably have to deal with an ongoing conflict in Iraq and will need to rebuild relationships around the world.  And I would hope the next administration would make finding alternative sources of energy, funding stem cell research and addressing the health insurance issues this country faces top priorities... in other words putting the public good before the interests of large corporations and religious fundamentalists... both of whom have too much influence on the current administration.

Anonymous said...

I echo Stacyannw's sentiments.

Anonymous said...

three years is such a long time..... and do you think all the people who voted for him a second time and then woke up the day AFTER the election and said "what the heck was I thinking????" have learned anything? I sure hope so or we have not got a prayer.
hugs your way,

Anonymous said...

You are having a momentary lapse of feeling.  Perfectly understandable, considering all that's gone one.  Hopefully soon you'll recover enough to experience a certain amount of glee at his downfall!  :-)

Anonymous said...

Listening to NPR yesterday, there was a commentator who said something like, "These kinds of things often have a backlash IN FAVOR of the party in question."  GOD FORBID!!!

Still, I can't get too excited about this.  DeLay and his lawyers will either make this go away quickly, or will drag it on for so long that the country will lose interest and he'll get in at least two more terms before it is ever resolved.  Did I say "lose interest?"  They would have to GET interested first.  Since this is not a juicy bedroom scandal a la Bill Clinton, I don't think the electorate really gives a rat's butt.  More's the pity...  Lisa  :-]