Wednesday, November 3, 2004

A Great Nation

I am utterly dismayed by the way the election turned out.  Possibly even more devastating to me than the presidential result  (which I expected) is the clean sweep of amendments opposed to gay marriage/civil unions in a number of states, including my own.  (On the positive side, it seems that it may galvanize my 17-year-old daughter into becoming a political activist.)  

But here's something that we can all agree upon, I think, and that is how incredibly fortunate we are to live here where we can disagree via words and votes rather than bombs.  We have this opportunity, much needed right now, to show the world every four years that it is possible for people to disagree vehemently without blowing each other up.  We can put up opposing signs on our lawns, but we don't park car bombs outside each other's houses.  We can register our dismay or delight, and even get in each other's faces with it, without going to the grocery with the intent to complete a suicide bombing mission.  We may be convinced that the country is on the wrong path, but we don't fly planes into buildings as a means of self-expression.  

This country is an extraordinary place, and we get to demonstrate that to ourselves and to the world every time we have an election.  We are truly blessed.  


Walked 3 miles and worked out at the gym.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, our state had an amendment on same sex unions too.  I was disappointed to say the least, but maybe in time peoples hearts and minds will be changed.  I woke up this morning ready to support either candidate fully.  I guess for me, its a little easier becuz  I do not agree with either of them fully and I don't feel the hatred toward either candidate as so many seem to.  I was not displeased with the election results, but I also thought that Kerry's speech was heartfelt and sincere.  It is a wonderful country we live in.  Pamela

Anonymous said...

I'm not ready to be conciliatory...not yet.  Maybe not ever.  I think what I AM ready to do is to become more politically active.  Apparently, our votes do not speak loudly enough for those of us who are, obviously (and sadly), in the minority.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed by your strength.I am not ready to be in your place.  I still am smarting.  This I know:  I can not, I will not accept this man as my leader.  It goes against everything I hold dear about the value of life and the vitality of the human spirit.  For him to win the "moral" vote is ironic beyond words.  Thank you for your strong spirit, though.  These are words we all need to hear, even if we are not yet ready to accept them.  I also took strength from Edwards and Kerry yesterday.  Edwards mentioned that life is suffering and we have to accept that.  Well, I'm suffering.  I have to give meaning to this suffering, else my spirit will fail.