Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Yes, I'm Reading!

I'm trying to keep up with my journals.  I enjoy them all so much.  I will try to sprinkle comments around SOON.

My excuses:

Today: work till 6:30 and then race out to daughter's school for the fall athletic dinner, which ended around 9:30, getting us home at 10:00.  Since then I've been working on the canoe trip scrapbook for my stepmother.

Tomorrow: Work till 5:30 and then, God help me, parent conferences from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Thursday:  Work till 5:15 and then my own parent conference at my daughter's school at 6:00.  I think.

Friday: Take the day off and head south to spend the night with my dad and stepmother, picking up one son along the way.

Saturday night: Drive home, stopping to return son to college.

Sunday: What exactly do I have in mind for the 8th graders for the next month?  And what I am going to teach the 9th graders about mosques the week after Thanksgiving?  And, oops -- read 8 or 10 Flannery O'Connor stories.

So, okay, I'm thinking it isn't going to be a big journal week.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.  I didn't mean to make you feel admonished.  It's just that I missed you.  I've been very bad lately also about not posting to journals I enjoy.  I barely have time to do more than a quick drive-by.  I finally decided on Monday that I HAD to do some posts, though.  I had to show that I hadn't let this election destroy my spirit.  I had to get back on the horse and ride.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE EXCUSES!  We all know how life is!

Anonymous said...

Aw, c'mon, you're not actually letting LIFE get in the way, are you?  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

I get so behind at times too, especially when my husband is home! you just do the best you can!

Anonymous said...

i understand oh so perfectly exactly what you mean.  i'm trying to do the comment sprinkly a little bit this weekend, because i think my readers forget me if i don't. and because i miss others' journals.  i love your journal.  and hope to visit the other one soon.  there's a lot i'd like to talk with you about in person, do you ever IM?  hah.  who has time, right?