Judith Heartsong's Artsy Essay Contest this time around invites us to write about our favorite place on earth. I have already protested that limitation to her personally, noting that she herself seems to have a few more favorite places than just one. I decided that I would write about several of mine, but life has a way of blocking the best of intentions, so I haven't actually done more than one - but since it's not my one and only favorite, I'm not going to submit it to the contest. I'll just post it later. In the meantime, a few of my favorite places:

Chartres Cathedral (France)
the Cinque Terre (Italy)
St. Augustine Beach (Florida)
Chiracahua National Monument (New Mexico)
Sleeping Bear Dunes (Michigan)
Monhegan Island (Maine)(and I haven't even been there yet, but I've gotten close)
Northfield, Massachusetts
The Mall in Washington, D.C. (not necessarily today)
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (Virgina)
Graveyard Fields in Pisgah Forest (North Carolina)
Turtleback Falls (North Carolina)
Gull Lake in Algonquin Park (Ontario)
Cedar Key (Florida)
Florence (Italy)
Isle Royale National Park (Michigan)
Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming)
Chautauqua Institution (New York)
Looking Glass Falls and Sliding Rock (North Carolina)
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (New Mexico)
Cumberland Island (Georgia)
Les Champs-Elysees on New Year's Eve
Bergen (Norway)
Maybe I should stop...
What? No Multnomah Falls?
Someday before I die I'm going to go to Europe, and then I can have romantic-sounding favorite places, too. LOL! Lisa :-]
Man, you've been around!
You are hysterical!
You strike my gypsy heart! I love traveling. On your list, the only places I've ever been are those in Florida (I live there) and North Carolina (my FIL lives there). I say, keep on going, I want the entire list! Have a great weekend!
You thoroughly delight me. xoxoxoxoxox, judi
I wish I could see each and every one of them.
well, m'dear, we share some Favorite Places on this planet in common: Chartres, Chincoteague, Bosque del Apache, and Florence, though i might have to pick Assisi over Florence, if i was in the neighborhood. this was delicious, and what a good idea! i may steal it.
Wow, you really get around! LOL Great places!
Great, ocean!
LOL, no need to stop, I was just at that point of feeling really "dreamy" about going to all those amazing places. They gypsy travelers in all of us would jump at the chance to see even just one of those.
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