Thursday, January 13, 2005

This 'N That

...In the first successful round of my Buy One, Dump Ten program, I realized that I had sort of accidentally purchased four new books since New Year's (two of them solely the responsibility of marigolds2),  so I headed off to the second-hand bookstore with forty others.  (Didn't make a dent in the stacks and shelves in this house.)  So here's the problem: the store gives a small credit for each book that you deliver, which may be used toward 50% of the purchase price of OTHER second-hand books.  I am now in possession of a $93.00 credit, which means I can purchase $186.00 worth of used books at half-price.  Somehow I don't see this plan working out too well.  On the upside: as I was searching through my books, I found lots and lots that I'd like to read again.

...Last night I went to my first meeting as a soon-to-be newly ordained elder in my church. I discovered that, in my excitement about this new adventure, I had totally overlooked the fact that it requires attendance at meetings.  I pretty much hate meetings. 

...My stepmother ended up in the ER last night, unable to breathe.  She's home now, with oxygen and meds for bronchitis.  My father was able to acknowledge, with a faint sense of humor, that it had taken less than 48 hours since I had called and "read him the riot act," as he put it, about his need for some help, that the reality of that need was brought home to them.  Their local doctor has prescribed home health care, and an American Cancer Society lady showed up in the hospital with additional information.  So I have allies.

...My 98-year-old grandmother has fallen and broken her collarbone.  These are the times when you regret having moved away from your family.  She has an orthopedic appointment tomorrow and is no doubt soon going to face a move from assisted living to nursing care.  Since she can barely see or hear, that means that she will also have to cope with added stress and depression without really understanding what is going on.

...And I have a cold.  Whine whine whine.


Anonymous said...

You'r not whining, it has not been a great start to your year.  What if you buy a bunch of books and donate them to a local shelter.  It will feel good because A) you bought books and that is always fun and B) the shelter might like to have books, especially for kids.

I hope the home helath care is a support to your dad and Jewel.  Some of the most wonderful people I have met came in for grandfather's illness.

Anonymous said...

Aww, I am sorry that Jewel had a bad episode! Glad that it spurred your Dad to ask for some help, though. That will ease things for them, I hope. And I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother falling and breaking her collarbone, that is a scary thing and it will be a hard change for her to move. {{{}}}

Anonymous said...

With all that you have going on in your family, you have every right to whine, rant, and stomp your feet if you really want. Sending good wishes your way!
:-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

(((((((Robin)))))))))  love ya gurl :-)  Pamela

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you "intervened" with you dad and stepmom.  It's so hard...but sometimes you just have to try to help people who don't tink they need help.  I'm sorry step-mom had to go to the ER, but this does seem like it's pointed them in the direction of some help they sorely need.  Hope it helps her feel better for awhile.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your stepmother and your grandmother.  How hard it must be for you to be away from them.  I am sure they know that you are there in spirit though and rallying for them.  
Congrats on your position as an elder.  Maybe the benefits of the position will outweigh having to attend meetings?
Good job on getting rid of those books!

Anonymous said...

I propose that books shouldn't count!  :-)  Hope you're feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

oh my - "buy one, dump ten" applies to BOOKS?  well, i have a suggestion for you.  have you heard of  it's a website, it's a community, it's a way to "set your books free."  go check it out -   for a small investment in some materials (stickers, bookmarks), and you can actually do it without them, you leave books you no longer want in public places (cafes, waiting rooms, etc) where people will pick them up, take them home and read them, then send them on their journey to someone else.  or not, they may keep them.  it's a really cool fun way to pass along your books.  i am "gypsymoth" there, go see my homepage.  register as a "friend of gypsymoth" and start setting those books free into the wild.  if i'm responsible for your buying books i must help you keep your resolve to get rid of them too.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your step mother.  My Mom finally gave in and hired someone to help with my Dad.  She has been a miracle for Mom.  Your Dad will feel the same way once he gives in.  As for the books, I have them everywhere in my house.  I once gave away all my paperbacks (which I amassed and dragged around for years!) My sister Omega went crazy that I had not offered her first refusal! Now I collect hardbacks from a second hand bookshop in the basement of the main library.........I never should have found that place.  I allow myself to go only twice a month.  What a treat for me!