Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Lighthouses just look so. . . hopeful.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful lighthouse. Most of the ones on the Oregon Coast are the tall skinny kind. This is really pretty.


Anonymous said...

Robin, the very nobility is your character is rendering you naive here. You are writing about how YOU would adjudicate were YOU a Supreme Court justice (not a bad idea). Is that how Clarence thinks? You need to modify your wishful thinking to accommodate a Bush toady and future Scalia lapdog. Even Vince has a hard hard time accepting your argument, and we both know Vince is a much nicer person than me.

Anonymous said...

Uh cowboy dude commented on the wrong entry, I think. Heh.

Lighthouses light the way home after a long run at sea. Or something. Yeah, they seem hopeful to me too.


Anonymous said...

cool effect you used on the Lighhtouse.
LOve the lighthouses...thanks for sharing~

Anonymous said...

I've never seen lighthouses that were stout like these.  All the ones I've seen on the Atlantic coast are tall round buildings.  

I agree 100% with cowboy.  Due to Miers' inexperience, I fear that she will become the lapdogs of Scalia and Thomas who wouldn't know how to think beyond what their preacher, pastor, minister, or bible tells them if their lives depended on it.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love morons who comment on the wrong entry? Well, if someone would turn a LIGHT in in here...

Anonymous said...

I can almost smell the salt in the air.
(too funny Belfast)