Monday, December 13, 2004

Ah Yes, Christmas Vacation....

A college son already bored and asleep on the couch...

Another college son over the Atlantic and en route to France...

A senior daughter smiling with satisfaction over an A+ on a story, grimacing over mail from colleges, and hoping unreasonably for a snow day tomorrow...

A mom hoping for exactly the same thing...

An absolutely beautiful tree, if I do say so myself, but no outside lights... .


Anonymous said...

Drat it all, my college almost NEVER closes on account of snow!

Anonymous said...

NO outside lights?  I'm not sure I could deal with that concept...!  Lisa :-]

Anonymous said...

You are not alone . . .  no outside lights here, but a lovely tree, and I'm sure next year we'll have a college son bored or en route :>

Hope you get your snow day!

Anonymous said...

A snow day WOULD be nice right about now.  We have no snow on the ground yet here in MN....none, nada. We need some at least for decorative purposes!  ;)