Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Moods: What Do You Mean?

I just thought I'd add an explanation for my Round Robin entry (the immediately previous one).  It was taken a couple of weeks after our boys graduated from high school.  We had gone up to Chautauqua for a few days and, since the kids had never been to Niagra Falls and this one's twin brother's German girlfriend was with us, we decided that it was an opportune time to take a day trip to a Great American Site.  (We couldn't go to the Canadian side, because the young lady had left her passport back at our home.)  We went to the Falls, and did the Maid of the Mist Trip (Yes!  I had ALWAYS wanted to do that!) and hiked around on a small island in the Niagra River, where I managed to sneak in a few shots.  The German girlfriend was, not surprisingly, the most photogenic of the group, and by far the most willing to smile into the camera.  But I still like the photo below and its evocation of a young man in transition from one stage of life to another.


Anonymous said...

An adorable photo.  Your sons are quite handsome...

We visited Niagara Falls when I was sixteen.  It was wonderful, but it really does look better from the Canadian side.  From the U.S. side, all you can really see is a lot of water falling over the edge.  We didn't do the Maid of the Mist, though...we could never afford to do any of the really "touristy" stuff back then.  It was enough that we got to actually go there and see it!  Would love to travel out to that neck of the woods again some day...  Lisa  :-]  

Anonymous said...

He's a handsome kid.  And that is an awesome really looks like the kind of thing you'd pay a professional $hundreds to take.