Saturday, July 9, 2005

Return Trip

We went back to Chautauqua for a day, mostly so our daughter could enjoy an afternoon with the friend she had spent so much time with over past summers before they both head off to college.  This time my husband went along, so we also went to see his family for dinner; they live about half an hour away.

Here's what I think is cool about Chautauqa: for an afternoon program like this:

2:00 - Jean Bethke Elshtain, professor, social and political ethics, University of Chicago,  Religion and Politics.

3:30 - CLSC Roundtable Lecture. Jim Wallis, God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It.

you get about 700 people who want to sit there for two and one-half hours, soak it all up, and ask questions

and then you get to walk around eating ice cream cones and gawking at other people's summer "cottages."


Anonymous said...

I am so jealous I can't stand it.  Man, what a way to spend the day.

Anonymous said...

How was the roundtable?  Looks really interesting!  Love the pictures too... Pamela

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home this is, looks so comfy!

Anonymous said...

What an enjoyable day!  How nice that you are close enough to make this a daytrip.

Anonymous said...

What a great day.


Anonymous said...

What a great day.


Anonymous said...

Nice cottage!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man...  I KNOW I would love that place...  Lisa  :-]  

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read that God's Politics book. I have it on reserve at the library but just have to wait my turn!

"Cottage"?  lol...

Anonymous said...

Ah, sounds like an interesting lecture - Hummm "God's Politics".  I love the cottage, here in the south we'd say it had Southern Charm.


Anonymous said...

A fantastic program!    It looks like great weather too.

Anonymous said...

Love the pink house

Anonymous said...

OOooo - I wanna live in that pink house - gorgeous! ~ Lori

Anonymous said...

yeeee haaaawwwww now that sure is a summer cottage. :):):) judi

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all the women want to live there until it's time to paint the ballusters and latticework and that screen door. Then, they call their husbands. ;-)  Chautauqua rocks.

Anonymous said...

Consider me gawking…