Wednesday, April 7, 2004


Weeellllll................if yesterday had been a weigh-in day, I could have said that I had lost some weight, but today I'm about back to ground zero.  It's very discouraging, after having paid such close attention to my diet and walked 25 miles in a week.

A few years ago I walked EVERY SINGLE DAY for a year and lost exactly ZERO pounds.  Of course, once I stopped walking, I added anouther 20, so at least the exercise kept my weight stabilized, albeit at a depressing level.  A friend was complaining a few weeks ago that she has been working out at the gym regularly for several months and yet not seen her weight budge.  And another friend on the South Beach diet lost 11 pounds in the first week!

It really seems to be about input much more than about output.  Too bad -- I would much prefer to walk several miles a day than have to think about what I'm eating.


Walked: 3 miles in damp and chilly morning fog; 1.5 miles in the irresistible sunshiney evening.  Stretched: 15 minutes.  Food:  I'm gaining a little more control.  I was pretty busy today, cleaning my house like a demon -- it was in a shambles after the last month of illness and travel every week-end (including the upcoming one -- yikes!) -- and although I thought countless times about taking a snack break, I only did it once.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

<<It really seems to be about input much more than about output. >>

I totally agree!  In the January-still-sticking-to-my-resolution-time, I could starve my self for 3 days and not have more than .5 change in the scale.  But after one day of eating carefully I would see a bigger change.  Who knows, but hang in there!
