Monday, April 5, 2004

Not Easy

It's freezing outside!  Mid-20s maybe, but with a strong wind it feels much colder.  However, the sun is out and that makes for a magnificent day.

Yes, I definitely suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).  My husband commented yesterday that he continues to be amazed by my joyous response to a sunny day, regardless of the cold.  He's right; a temperature 40 degrees higher wouldn't count for much of an improvement in my book if it were accompanied by clouds.  And I despise these first few weeks of Daylight Savings Time, since we have to go back to getting up in the dark

But that isn't what I want to write about today.  I've been thinking about how to motivate myself to stick with this plan over the long -- VERY LONG -- term.  The sad truth is that I have lost substantial amounts of weight only four times in my life, and none of them under circumstances I care to repeat.

I've been pregnant twice, and I'm one of those lucky women who can vomit her way thorugh an entire pregnancy, day and night -- both both times I lost ten pounds in the first couple of months.  And twice in the past decade I've faced major life crises and virtually stopped eating.  The first time I got a real lesson in how our culture values svelteness over emotional health.  I hadn't seen my dad in six months and he raved about my 25-pound weight loss, oblivious to its having been precipitated by a period of extreme and debilitating stress.

Those experiences partly explain my calling this a journal of "healthy" recovery.  I've never lost weight in a healthy way before, and that's a goal I'd like to accomplish.

Walked: 3 miles.  Stretched: Minimally. Food:  Kind of lost it today.                                                                           

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