Wednesday, June 30, 2004


What a tense day.  It seems like decades, rather than less than a week, since I was walking on the beach every morning and evening.

I spent most of the day running errands, working in the garden, and hanging out online, trying to distract myself while I worried about my child with mono, 600 miles away.  He finally called tonight and he sounds terrible; when the doctor called later, she said he's actually a bit better.  But she admitted that she has seldom seen a kid this sick, and that she is feeling discouraged about him staying on and going back to work in a week or so. 

His throat is so sore that he's barely able to eat which, of course, makes him feel even more run down.  He did at least sleep last night -- the pain meds must be doing some good, regardless of his insistence that they aren't.

I feel so badly for him.  He really needed this summer away from the stresses of college, and it looks like he will spend much of it at home, jobless and bored.

If only I could walk back down the beach tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your description of your kid's woes brings back bad memories.  I had mono when I was nineteen, and it WAS miserable.  I got so sick I spent a week in the hospital (that was back in the olden days when they'd actually PUT you in the hospital when you were sick!  LOL)  So I feel a lot of sympathy for your son.  The good news is he WILL get better eventually!  Lisa  :-]