Friday, February 18, 2005


Another image of yesterday's barn -- well, same image, different applications.

I suppose that each of these views says something a little different about my anticipated trip, which is mostly for the purpose of spending a a little time with my extremely ill stepmother and exhausted father.  Yesterday -- stark and a little foreboding, maybe.  Today, dreamlike, into another world.  Tomorrow, maybe a bit of optimism.  You decide.

This afternoon I decided to treat myself to an hour at the Art Museum. Since I'm taking an art history course on Michelangelo and his contemporaries, I was in the mood for some Italian Renaissance paintings, and I spent most of my time with them.  But on the way out, I stumbled over  a small exhibit of work by French photographer Luc Delahaye -- huge panoramas of war and other newsworthy scenes.  The note to the exhibit mentioned that the vastness of his photos enables him to capture some of the sense of the significance of events in a broad way, something often missing from the more intimate, close-up news photos we are used to.  The photograph below, which is one of the seven in the exhibit, is 43 x 95 inches.  It's entitled "Taliban."


Anonymous said...

One does well to treat such images hugely.  Small pictures trivialize the event to insignificance.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Oh, my - that photograph is profound.  The man is almost Christ-like in his pose, don't you think?  Even though he is on the ground.  And surrounded by such stark emptiness.  Thank you for sharing.  As for your photographs, to this photography neophyte, they look wonderful and really convey different senses.  I very much enjoy seeing what you share with us.  Thank you!
