Monday, July 12, 2004

Your Vote Really Might Count for Something

As some other bloggers, such as Jamey of This Sublime Dance, have noted, our Senate is now debating the proposed Federal Marriage Amednment.

I don't know why this proposal affects me so powerfully, but it does.  My feelings about it go far beyond my usual perplexity as to why any of us should have any interest in or views on the sexual orientations of others, far beyond my general "live and let live" philosophy, far beyond my enjoyment of life in a diverse and (on the whole) welcoming city.  I don't have a vast network of gay friends and acquantances, and I'm not a particularly political person.  But this proposed amendment strikes me as a downright twisted attempt to manipulate our Constitution in a way designed to create pain and foster bigotry and discrimination.

So last Friday night I sent off emails to my Senators, something I have never done before, to tell them that "I am 100% opposed to such a mean-spirited, unnecessary, and appalling attempt to alter our Constitution."

I added that the proposal "violates my principles as a mother, a neighbor, a member of the community, and a Christian." 

I knew it was a pointless effort.  Both my senators are Republicans, and I doubt that we've ever agreed on much.

But tonight I have discovered, thanks to The Hestia Academy for Young Wild Women, that both of my senators are undecided!  So you never know.  They will recognize my zip code as a bastion of wild-eyed liberals, but perhaps it will give them pause to know that someone who identifies herself as a mother and a Christian finds the whole exercise heinous.




Anonymous said...

Good for you for sending those e-mails!    I find the concept of this amendment to be revolting, contrary to the intent and purpose of the constitution, a complete waste of time in a world where there are real issues which need the time and work being wasted on this.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you sent the emails protesting this inane amendment.  You never know.  It might do some good.  You know what they say about the squeaky wheel, don't you?

Anonymous said...

I did the very same thing, through the ACLU website last night.  We have one Democrat and one Republican in Oregon...I probably didn't NEED to email Ron Wyden, but Gordon Smith is a Republican and a "Christian", so I probably needed to let HIM know my views.  I'm not actually sure where he stands on it.  Have to find out...  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Good for you for speaking out on something you believe in. I am ashamed to be so unpolitical. I agree with everything you are saying about the proposed C.A. What a bunch of petty people.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing that!!!  Who knows?  Maybe your two undecided representatives decided against it, and that helped the cause!
I'm so glad that there are people in this world who feel as you do.
Thank you again!