No, not that kind.
I came home for lunch and found that one of my friends has updated her journal by discussing how some people maintain pristine houeholds and others of us do not. How could I resist the challenge?
On my dining room table (spread all over): graded American history quizzes, financial aid documents, a Tulane University viewbook, a stack of notes on ancient Chinese philosophers, and a Time special issue on Great Buildings of the World.
On the chest of drawers (in stacks): a world atlas, special issues of U.S. News on The Ancient World and The First Olympics, a book on Encountering God in Nature, an AP World History teacher manual, and several sections of history notes paper-clipped together.
On one of the built-in shelves: glassware (oh, that's supposed to be there), a stack of empty file folders, packets from MotoPhoto, and an old subpoena for a case in which I was happy not to have to testify.
On the floor: DSL packaging and instructions, computer paper and print cartridges, more history notes.
On the little table under the window: a pile of books on France and Maine.
On the computer table: several drafts of the paper my daughter was working on last night, a book I am actually reading, my son's schedule for this fall's classes, some print-outs on master's programs in architecture and engineering, a new flyer on contemplative prayer, and a University of Chicago guidebook. Also a salt shaker which I just knocked over.
The mice should be able to make themselves right at home.
If I tried to write out all my cluter I'd be here all day. I'll just tell you about my bedroom, which I am going to clean up if I can ever tear myself away from this d--m computer. Laundry basket: overflowing. Dry cleaning on floor next to laundry basket. My dresser covered with papers from school, random receipts, oh, and dust. The other side of the dresser: more laundry mixed in with some items I carried on a plane a month ago and never put away. Nightstand: several books. Floor next to closet: a bunch of textbooks. DH's bureau: relatively organized. Poor guy, having to share a room with me!
Add me to the "clutter column" as well :)
LOL - no wonder I like my cyber friends so much. They all live the same way I do.
Sounds to me like the home of a family with a busy, interesting, involved and active life.
All I'm gonna say is you're my kind of gal!
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