Friday, May 27, 2005

Spay and Neuter

I joined my daughter for a little while today at the Animal Protective League, to take one last set of pictures for her Senior Project.

It's hard to believe that people persist in breeding dogs and cats when the world is packed with homeless animals eager for homes, and in failing to spay and neuter those they already have.  The shelter is packed with creatures like this:

Another unfortunate group:  animals whose owners acquire them without sufficient forethought.  This is the sign on the cage of a lovely female black lab.  She's been in the shelter for a full month of the eleven since she's been born; the card indicates she was surrendured by her owner because she got "too big."

My daughter is a gentle little soul, but she has no tolerance for owners who take home cute little puppies and then abandon them when they grow up.


Anonymous said...

This kind of thing breaks my heart.  When I visit our shelter I come home so sad.  I love the picture, especially the one of the dog that refused to get out of the water pool.  My dog HATES water.  He would probably have a long talk with that foolish dog!  Pennie

Anonymous said...

So sad when people don't think before they get pets.  

Anonymous said...

About twenty years ago we bought a perfectly adorable cockapoo. I can still see the vet holding up Sam and announcing "25 pounds, tops." Sam topped out at 55. Standard poodle and standard cocker. It never occured to us to give up Sam just becuase he got "too big." We fenced the yard and took longer walks-a lot longer walks. We had that wonderfle space cadet for almost sixteen years. Oh, and of all our pets over the years Sam is one of only two we actually bought. All the rest were adopted. The two cats we have right now are spayed and indoors.


Anonymous said...

This always makes me crazy to see animals treated like this. Seems like things like this are happening more and more. It's so sad. I'd take them all home with me if I could. Your daughter sounds like a kind spirit with a great big heart. That's wonderful. We need more people like her in our world. ~ Lori

Anonymous said...

Elliedog was adopted from the Humane Society by neighbors who promptly began looking for new owners when their vet told them that, contrary to their misguided beliefs, she was not a cocker but a lab who would someday be close to 70 lbs. (She's about 62). Lucky for us she was just what we were looking for. Lucky for her, too. I can't even go to a shelter, I was just waiting for a dog to find me. And Ellie did. (Many thousands of dollars later, I do have moments of "why me?", lol!)

Anonymous said...

Just brought the two "boys" home from the vet...they were neutered yesterday.  They are NOT very happy campers right now...  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

This is a tough experience for your daughter - hope she doesn't bring them all home!  Beautiful pictures, as ever, and although I would have loved to have seen the black lab, your depiction of the sign is so much more poignant.
