Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Missin' Those Little Kids

I can't get hold of the one studying architecture a couple of hours away, so I have to be content with looking at his photos, like this one he took last month of a buffalo in Yellowstone.

I talked to the one in Barcelona this afternoon; he's finding it a tough city to which to acclimate himself. 

The other one is in the living room watching a movie with. . . a date.

How did all this happen?


Anonymous said...

Love that Buffalo and yes indeed time is a fleeting thing and we are like candles in the wind. Just today I quickly put together some choice photos of where we have came from to here, skipping many of the years just to highlight for my husband perhaps what it was all about those years he worked to provide for him and us and most likely us more than him because today was the last day on the job, he's retired.  Kids ate dinner over here with the grandkids, and believe me when my sons lived home with us I never, ever said to them "I,ll be so glad when you grow up and move out on your own.  But they do, and that is how it is meant to be and we get a little blue from time to time as we wonder how it all passed us by so quickly, but it didn't and we have the memories and pictures to prove it.  My thought are with you, blessing to you.


Anonymous said...

Ironic how life seems to happen when nobody's looking.  Beautiful photograph.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Ocean, I'm with you all the way.  The older one has started his new job in the big city, and the younger is excitedly planning his six-month European sojourn (which I'm afraid doesn't include Barcelona).  And he's never home.  He just went out to see a friend and they will be taking in an 11:00 p.m. showing of War of the Worlds.

Me? I'm at the computer.  Thinking - and ensuring that I don't call Number 1 son - the last thing he needs is an interfering momma!

Time to find that balance Cynthia has written about.  You and I are treading similar paths - you're in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Great Pic!
Aww, look at all the grandkids that`ll be around!!  LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes, time goes way too fast!!!   Pamela

Anonymous said...

I have two teenagers and it gets harder and harder to have family time with them. I am hoping I can coerce them into joining us for a summer vacation this year.