Monday, June 6, 2005

A Tiny Rant

On the Let's See How Many Headaches We Can Make For Ourselves With 9/11 Precautions Page:  Today I had to take my lovely daughter for a drug test for her animal shelter job.  Yes, the place in which she volunteered for her senior project has given her a real job!  I had to TAKE her because of that one-month license suspension, which has a week to go and has been one headache for ME after another.  In order to take a drug test, you must provide a photo ID.  Since the nearby county in which she had her accident is in possession of her license, her only photo ID is her recreation center card.  We got to the drug-testing center only to learn that we were supposed to have understood the generic "photo ID" on the instructions to mean "STATE OR FEDERAL photo ID." 

So off to get a state ID card.  This involved a frantic search of the house for a certified copy of her birth certificate, an hour trip out to her school for a certified transcript, and my presence with her at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles -- two forms of ID and my presence mandated by 9/11 legislation so that she could obtain another form of ID from a state agency that already has her securely listed in its very own computer system.  Back to the drug testing place, where by then the wait was so long that I had to go home to let in the piano tuner and go back to get her.  FIVE HOURS.   That's how long this little episode took.  How fortunate that I had the day off work so that I could invest it in making sure that the world is safe from drug users with false identification.  It would be laughable if it weren't so utterly time-consuming, inconveniencing and pointless -- I bet that the security guards accused in the case of that abducted young woman in Texas had provided adequate ID and had passed drug tests.

And then, on the Why America Is Really Losing Out To The Chinese Page -- while we sat in the waiting room, we were treated to a television blaring forth The View.  A group of women, one of whom was Barbara Walters, were going on and on about Angelina or Angelique or someone and scientology or whatever.  They moved on to an interview with Connie Chung, whom I remember from her reporting days, and her husband, but as far as I could tell neither of them has accomplished anything of significance lately -- they were just there as a joint celebrity presence.   The daughter and I looked at each other after a few minutes of this mini hell-on-earth and asked, "Who on earth watches this stuff?  Does anyone actually want to watch people they don't know gossiping about other people they don't know?"  "People with absolutely no life of their own?" she suggested.

Sorry if I've offended any View watchers out there.  My friends know that I have tried Oprah three times and never made it all the way through a show.  And last week I tried to watch The Today Show to learn a bit more about Deep Throat, and found myself appalled by Katie Couric's general display of idiocy.  Perhaps I am just a tiny bit out of the mainstream.  But I am convinced that if The View is representative of American morning entertainment, we are truly doomed.  We don't have to worry in the least about drug testing for employment , because our brains have already been severely compromised by our very own media.


Anonymous said...

The View is just general silliness... what I worry about is the Jerry Springer and Montel viewers.  Or worse yet, the people that actually go on those shows.  TV is 80% wasteland these days.  Even the newscasts have sunk to all time lows.  What a frustrating day you've had, congrats on getting the job done tho!

Anonymous said...

The View is just general silliness... what I worry about is the Jerry Springer and Montel viewers.  Or worse yet, the people that actually go on those shows.  TV is 80% wasteland these days.  Even the newscasts have sunk to all time lows.  What a frustrating day you've had, congrats on getting the job done tho!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very frustrating day.  I have tried the View before and also can't get through it, I do like Oprah most of the time and Dr. Phil on occasion though.  

Anonymous said...

Banging y'alls heads against the wall may have given you less of a headache on a day like today.  Yeah for your daughter's new job!

Anonymous said...

While you are probably right about the security guards, I think they were working in Aruba, where she was kidnapped. You know the guys flying the planes on 9/11 never had a problem getting anything they needed to do what they did and I bet many people are still slipping through the cracks. Just not the honest ones.

Anonymous said...

My opinion from the beginning has been that the terrorists don't have really do anything after 9/11. They show up, holler boo and we tie ourselves in more knots. Yes there is danger. The chances of any one of us being the the victim of the terrorist attack are probably smaller than my chances of getting slammed by an inattentive fellow commuter on my forty miles a day round trip to work.

In my opinion we do more damage to ourselves with our national arrogance and ignorance of how the majority of the world lives.


Anonymous said...

It's a sore spot for me as well on the dumbing-down of America.... Mark he the star of a summer blockbuster???? Is he a new, really FAB clothing designer??? No, he's the guy who made Nixon get on TV and say "I'm Not A Crook." is the only sound byte that seems to resonate with people. As for Oprah, Dr, Phil-My-Face_with_donuts_but_YOU need to lose weight, it's all crapola!! We have stopped, as a nation, trying to formulate our own opinions about anything, instead we use sound-bytes as our gateway to the "informed opinion." It is sad, to say the very least. BRAVO for stating it!! Penny

Anonymous said...

Back to earth with a bump after the gloriously cerebral and sentimaental quality of the last entry, Robin!

Yep, I think "The View" is tripe, as is most of our TV.  I recently got rid of cable and the cheap indoor antennas we have are hopeless.  I can get enough to watch "Jeopardy" (prep, dontcha know!) but otherwise I really don't miss the squawk box!

Try listening to BBC World Service - good stuff and tenacious interviewing.


Anonymous said...

LOL. I don't find myself watching too much daytime television, but I do enjoy an occasional Oprah depending on the topic.  I think any of the shows are ok in small quantity, but I worry about the people that watch that $hit day in and day out  (half of my family included).  Anyway.... not sure what the answer is about the ID and drug testing....  The good people are punished for the actions of the bad.  Pamela

Anonymous said...

The View makes me embarrassed to be a woman. Jerry Springer makes me embarrassed to be an American. Montel Williams makes me embarrassed to be alive.

~ Karyn

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about the brain-deadening effect of most talk shows! The only one I really like is Bill Maher, which is on Friday nights on HBO, but mainly because he makes me laugh (I'll admit, he's a bit of an ass).

Anonymous said...

For years I loved Katie Couric, but as her hair has become blonder she has beomce less a serious journalist, imo of course.