Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Another Election To Be Decided By The Court System?

We live in a critical county in a critical swing state.

One would think, therefore, given the Florida debacle in the last presidential election, that the officals of the Board of Elections of said critical county would have spent the past several months dotting every single stray "i" and crossing every single elusive "t" to ensure that things run smoothly here next Tuesday.

One would think.

Neither of my college sons have received their absentee ballot.  I contacted our local councilman and neighbor tonight, and he told me a horror story of mismanagement over the past month or two down at the Board of Elections.

Tomorrow I will be following his advice and contacting the Board of Elections, the local Kerry headquarters, and the newspaper.  The newpaper is another interesting story... but I'll save that one for a day when I'm slightly less disgusted.

I am just dumfounded that ANY  Board of Elections anywhere in the U.S. would be screwing things up this year.  Bush and Kerry are supposed to be visiting our state several more times in the next week -- not much point in that, is there, if it's going to become the battleground for a lawsuit over absentee ballots.



Anonymous said...

The only way this will happen is if the electorial vote is so close again this year that Florida will make the difference like last year.  I don't think that will be the case, fortunately.  The state does look likes its ready for more political "fun" again this year.  It's a mess, I concur.

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen

Anonymous said...

I think it will be miraculous if we don't end up with a contested election, recounts in several states, etc.  The race is so close and I keep reading about problems in both Ohio and Florida already.  Apparently both sides are well prepared with lawyers.  I hope it doesn't happen.  What a mess that would be  Please keep us posted on the response you get from the newspaper and the Kerry headquarters.  Do you suspect that the local Board of Elections is just mismanaged, or do you think that it may be their intention to limit the number of absentee ballots from a county that is likely to vote for Kerry?

Anonymous said...

I fully expect Jeb Bush to do all he can, legally or otherwise, to keep Florida safely in his brother's column.  It sickens me...but, then, I grew up watching Chicago elections...  Lisa  :-]