Saturday, October 30, 2004

Three Days to Go: A Snapshot

Last night I happened upon a posting elsewhere quoting a bone-chilling "Christian" website urging  "Christians" to consult their Bibles for guidance as to how to vote.   It ran through seven or eight issues, purporting to give the "Christian" position on each.   I thought about writing a diatribe in response, but I'm too tired.  You can read it for yourself here.  In response, particularly with respect to environmental issues, you can read what Terry Tempest Williams has to say here.  In particular, check out the last week or so of her diary online.

A friend called this morning to see if I wanted to spend the day making phone calls for Mr. Kerry.  She was at the phone bank already, and told me that three other moms there have college kids who have not received their absentee ballots.  Among our families, that's five votes for Kerry.  One mother is flying her daughter home for the day so she can vote; another's son has come home for the week-end and is staying through Tuesday morning so he can vote.

At my regular Saturday morning get-together, it was apparent that one of the moms is a Bush supporter.  Her gentleman friend did four tours in Vietnam and is "unimpressed" by Kerry.  He remembers well his feelings of betrayal by Vietnam protesters and apparently feels aligned with the Swift Boat Veterans for truth.  She mostly didn't believe anything that I had to say on the basis of the movie Going Upriver, which she could go down the street and see if she wanted to.

My brother, a solid Bush supporter, has told me that the fundamentalist Christians next door to him are driving him insane with their humorless approach to the election.  He finally said to the dad, to get him off his back, that he had changed his mind and was voting for Nader.  The dad didn't even crack a smile.

Oh, there's more... .  I need another walk.

Walked: 3 miles.




Anonymous said...

I, too, am feeling too tired to respond to the various pro-Bush diatribes, especially the supposedly "Christian" ones. It's just so exhausting to try to talk to those people, and you know they aren't even going to change their minds anyway.

Anonymous said...

I skimmed through the link in this entry to the article.  It is infuriating to me that it is implied by so many Christians that God is for Bush and that anyone who believes in God should vote for him.  I can't imagine the thought process that would allow someone to come to that conclusion.  This is a quote from an article at "A voters guide being distributed to churches around the country by the American Conservative Union says Kerry "never met an abortion he didn't like."  First, that's not even true, and secondly, I firmly believe that churches shouldn't be distributing political propaganda!  I certainly hope this is just a "phase" our country is experiencing and NOT the direction we are headed in as a nation.  Too scary!

Anonymous said...

I'm using this beautiful picture as my desktop!   we are at least a week past this beautiful color and have no leaves left.   thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I'm 100% with you on what you said about the Christian pro-Bush stuff. It's absurd and exhausting.
On a happier note... your photos are so beautiful! I especially like the one a few down... with the red brick path. I can't tell you how much I wish I could jump into that picture and take a leisurely stroll down that path, breathing in the autumn air... where was that taken, or did you say and I overlooked it?

Anonymous said...

listened to the radio in the car yesterday, a story about a man going door to door for Kerry.  one woman who's door he knocked on told him she's writing in ZZ Top.  Kerry as a proabortionist is a baby killer.  Bush, with the war, is killing young men.  She doesn't see either choice as acceptable and is voting for ZZ Top because he makes her kids happy.

what do you do with that?

Anonymous said...

Let us pray...  Dear God, let the people next door to Robin's brother get SO obnoxious that he decides to vote for John Kerry.  Amen.  Lisa  :-]