Thursday, October 7, 2004

A New Journal

Some of my friends know that I am interested in pretty much everything about the spiritual aspect of our lives.  Somehow -- and I've already forgotten the exact path -- I stumbled upon a group of intriguing journals a few weeks ago, and decided to start a new one of my own.  I'm going to try to write something each week about one of the Lectionary passages (and if you need to find out what the Lectionary is, you can take a look at the first entry, now that the journal is up and running). 

I'm not making an offical start on the Lectionary itself until the end of November, just before the first Sunday of Advent, which is the beginning of the church year.  (Didn't know the church had an offical year?  Well, now you do.  It differs a bit from a secular western calendar year, or a fiscal year, or a year as defined in other religions and/or cultures.)  In the meantime, I'm going to get started on a weekly schedule by posting a little bit at a time about my own spiritual journey.  That way, anyone who comes across the journal will be able to discern to her satisfaction that I have absolutely no qualifications whatsoever to embark upon this project.

I have a lot of friends who have expressed a lot of hesitation about getting involved with religion in a formal way.  I have other friends who are active Christians and others who are observant Jews and a couple who are devout Moslems and a couple who are practicing Buddhists.  My own perspective is a Christian one, but I hope that anyone and everyone feels free to visit and leave comments.  Here's the link:


Anonymous said...

Great!  I'll check it out!


Anonymous said...

Please send me a reminder when this starts--I am always interested in spirituality.  Would you like a  Quaker perspective?
love, Kas