Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Halloween Reading List

Here's a list, in no particular order (except possibly alphabetical), of what I'd like to get read in the near future (I've actually thought of several other books since I put the list together earlier today, but this seems like enough for the time being):

Marcus J. Borg, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time (1994)

Geraldine Brooks, Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague (2001)

Thomas Cahill, The Gifts of the Jews (1998)

Thomas Cahill, How the Irish Saved Civilization (1995)

 Thomas Cahill, Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter (2003)

James Carroll, Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews (2001)

John Dominic Crossan and Joanthan L. Reed, Excavating Jesus(2002)

Alan Dershowitz, The Case for Israel (2003)

Fodo Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment (1866)

Bruce Feiler, Walking the Bible (2001)

Jason Goodwin, Lords of the Horizon: A History of the Ottoman Empire (1998)

Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness (1997)

Ross Kling, Michaelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling (2003)

Camara Laye, The Dark Child (1954)

Giles Milton, Nathaniel's Nutmeg or, The True and Incredible Adventures of the Spice Trader Who Changed the Course of History (1999)

H. Reinhold Niebuhr, Christ and Culture (1951)

Tim O'Brien, Going After Cacciato (1978)

Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief (2003)

Sarah Patton-Boyle, The Desert Blooms: A personal adventure of growing old creatively (1983)

Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik, The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy 1400 to the Present (1999)

Huston Smith, Why Religion Matters (2001)      


GO-O-O-O-O- RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to steal some of these titles for my "want to read" list.  They very good.

Anonymous said...

I would like to read some of those Thomas Cahill books, too. I heard him on "What Do You Know" earlier this year.

Your book list makes me feel very ignorant. I just finished reading some sleazy novels. They were fun, though!