Friday, October 29, 2004

Neighborhood Walks

Talk About Walking

Where am I going? I'm going
out, out for a walk. I don't
know where except outside.
Outside argument, out beyond
wallpapered walls, outside
wherever it is where nobody
ever imagines. Beyond where
computers circumvent emotion,
where somebody shorted specs
for rivets for airframes on
today's flights. I'm taking off
on my own two feet. I'm going
to clear my head, to watch
mares'-tails instead of TV,
to listen to trees and silence,
to see if I can still breathe.
I'm going to be alone with
myself, to feel how it feels
to embrace what my feet
tell my head, what wind says
in my good ear. I mean to let
myself be embraced, to let go
feeling so centripetally old.
Do I know where I'm going?
I don't. How long or far
I have no idea. No map. I
said I was going to take
a walk. When I'll be back
I'm not going to say.

-- Philip Booth
From Lifelines: Selected Poems
1950-1999 (Viking Press)

Walked: 2 miles, and worked out at gym.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this, Robin.  Both the picture and the poem.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Loved that poem. I definitely felt that way yesterday. *sigh*
New reader to your J as well. Looking forward to reading more. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely poem, and absolutely hands-down my favorite Fall photograph that I have seen this year. Thank you for your friendship, judi

Anonymous said...

What a great journal and one that I can relate to.
I hope you will always continue to enjoy life one step at a time.

Anonymous said...

Stunning!  Love the poem...

Anonymous said...

That's very nice!  I love the red brick road, too!!!!!
