Saturday, August 6, 2005

En Route

My son is en route home from Barcelona!  I talked to him at 4:00 a.m. when he was stuck in Customs Control at Heathrow, and at 6:30 when he was stuck in Security at Gatwick, having actually made his shuttle trip per reservation.  He called back 10 minutes later and said he had accomplished the impossible, getting from Iberia at Heathrow to Continental at Gatwick in three hours, and was the last passenger boarding his flight.  On his way!


Anonymous said...

How exciting! I'm sure you can't wait to give him a huge hug!


Anonymous said...

isn't it so nice to have them safely back in the nest for a bit?  

Anonymous said...

Yeah!  So glad for you.  Enjoy.  C.

Anonymous said...

I know you're delighted and that big hugs await.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So, the globetrotter returns home!  Will you get to spend any appreciable time with him before school starts?  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

It's fun to see you so excited.

Anonymous said...

Hope he is home and you're enjoying his company again.  Guess his 4am phone call explains why I noticed you were online at 4:30am.  LOL!