Tuesday, August 9, 2005


I just discovered that the dog peed all over the sunroom floor. 

But then as I took the bucket of water outside to dump, I discovered my son's suitcase sitting on the back porch.

(We learned last night that it had taken a shortcut to Chicago, thanks to the Brits.  OK, fine; I'll be in Chicago at the end of September.  But I suspected that the suitcase wouldn't stay there.  It seems to like to travel.)

Now there is just the most horrific rash all over his hands to deal with -- he's guessing it's a reaction to some Spanish seafood dish.  (And no, Lisa, I'm not blaming the Spanish --or the English --  the same thing happened to him years ago via an IRISH seafood dish in ANNAPOLIS.)

I'm blaming the squid or scallops.

But anyway, I caught the dermatologist the day before he goes on vacation, so I'm not complaining yet.



Anonymous said...

The airlines hate my luggages too. They usually send it back to where it originated. I have a mercury allergy and shellfish contains mercury so I break in hives when I eat it. No, it does not matter what nationality the shellfish is, I am allergic to it if it has mercury in it. LOL.  

Anonymous said...

My identical twin is allergic to shellfish, but I am not.  Go figure...

Anonymous said...

Hope he`s OK!

Anonymous said...

I need to get Shelby to a dermatologist after this nasty herpes outbreak...she has some weird thing on her finger, now...