Saturday, August 21, 2004

Ok, I Found Something to Wear...

and so I'm coming to the J-Land Anniversary Ball (!    I'm not really much for events where there are lots of people, so I've done just what I would do in rl:  procrastinated as long as possible, went to Talbot's because even though I don't really wear Talbot's clothes anymore, I thought they might have something; found a jacket and had them put it on hold; went across the street to Nordstrom's where the clothes are slinkier but my bod still isn't; went back to Talbot's and put this together:

So I'll be there, lurking along the edges with my Limonata, talking to my several internet friends of many years who have also shown up in J-land, and looking for some of the intriguing writers I've encountered here for the first time. 

Marion, you'd better show up in your Chinese outfit!



Anonymous said...

LOL, I'm confused where we are supposed to show up, but if I figure it out, I'll wear my Chinese outfit.  I have one for my dog as well.  I should put it on her and take a picture and post it, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I love it!  It looks really comfortable!

Anonymous said...

This is late -- but your Talbot's outfit is just sublime.  I don't have much call for their clothes either, but I do still have one of their red Icelandic Wool sweaters that I cherish. Cherish, but don't wear because it fell victim to one of my step-daughter's first attempts at laundry. (Laughing)  Sigh, at least she learned why you don't put wool in the washer.

P.S. - Love reading your journal!  Your photos are wonderful!