Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Pamela did a fun entry the other day; a list of "I AMs...".  So I thought I'd just lift her idea, since I am feeling completely unoriginal today:

I AM...

wearing a Kenyon College t-shirt, a relic of one of our first college visits several years ago to what I have decided is hands down the most beautiful campus in the United States (and I've seen a lot of 'em)...

listening to Traffic's John Barleycorn  on

cleaning the house today instead of preparing for classes that start in a few weeks...

and paying the bills neglected for the last several weeks that I've been in and out of town...

frustrated by yet another set of school permission forms that I apparently overlooked, these having to do with driving, for heaven's sake...

in complete denial that my daughter (and youngest) is beginning her senior year of high school...

wondering exactly why my son in France stayed up all last night (which I know thanks to an uninformative email this morning) and what he is planning to do in Amsterdam this coming week-end (on second thought, maybe I am not wondering that)...

chuckling over last night's voice message from Son the Camp Counselor, who is spending a few days in Atlanta with other Camp Counselors and called from the Atlanta Braves game...

frustrated that I spent a lot of time planning an 8th grade history class earlier this summer and found out yesterday that the schedule has been dramatically altered...

wondering why, since I went to the store for laundry detergent and light bulbs this morning, I ran out of dishwasher soap as soon as I got home...

wondering why a trip to Walmart (which I am supposedly boycotting) for a box of detergent and some light bulbs ended up costing $94.00...

about to share this photo of the Reed College library tower in which all the senior theses (required of all students) since the 1910s are stored:

suddenly remembering that Traffic was playing nonstop during a Dartmouth Winter Carnival Week-End at which I had a perfectly awful time one year when I was in college and went with a blind date to accompany a good friend who was in the process of falling madly in love with someone we had known in high school....

listening now to a new Neil Young song, Good to See You, and thinking that there have been many many excellent Neil Young moments in my life...

also going to share this photo of some of the Reed theses:

enjoying Season Two of Six Feet Under...

going for a walk in the cemetery after lunch...

a terrible typist (but you knew that)...

reminded that the aforementioned college friend and I had a brilliant idea to drop out of school for awhile, support ourselves as secretaries in Boston, and earn enough money to go to British Columbia for several months...

reminded also that we were completely undeterred by the fact that we did not know how to type, because we were planning to exchange college for Katie Gibbs...

wondering if Katie Gibbs still exists...

trying to find the title of a book that I purchased in the Portland airport and then left in the pocket of the plane seat in front of me...

never on time for anything anymore...

relieved that my daughter's suitcase showed up yesterday (did I mention that she left it in the hotel room in Portland?)...and

on my way to pick her up from soccer practice.

Walked:  3 miles.

Walked so far this month:  30.5 miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I could comment on so many things!  Your son is in Atlanta?  I hope he is having a great time in my beautiful city, lol!  My husband was working at the Braves game last night, making sure the new kiosks there were not giving people trouble.  He is taking Dana and Brooke tonight though.  I LOVE Traffic and Neil Young.  But gosh, Neil YOung sends me right into a deep dark depression.  SOmething about the harmonica makes me so sad.  I loved the first two seasons of Six Feet Under, but am disappointed by this one.  Its easy to spend tons of money in Walmart or Target and still forget things.  Why are you boycotting?  I'm so glad Marissa's suitcase showed up, but sorry you lost your book.  Have a good walk, and enjoy your day, and I hope you get lots of cleaning done.  Pamela