Sunday, August 22, 2004

Summer's Winding Down

Tomorrow is my last official day of summer vacation...My daughter's been practicing soccer for two weeks and we have a visit with her college counselor tomorrow...My son in France will be done with classes at the end of this week...His brother will be joining him for a week of European travel to celebrate their 20th birthdays...Summer's almost over...

The highlight of my day: Listening to my son's telephone call to his French mother of two years ago as he made plans to spend two days with her this coming week.   There he stood, all six feet of him on a Sunday afternoon in a midwestern kitchen, wearing the college t-shirt he had probably slept in and a pair of baggy, rolled-up jeans that have for sure seen better days, speaking elegant French without a trace of hesitation.

You just never know how they're going to turn out.


Walked: 3 miles.

Walked so far this month: 51 miles.  I have really slacked off!



Anonymous said...

Sounds like they're turning out just fine!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thats so sweet!  I can just picture him.... Pamela